• Scandal 17/07: A night of indulgence takes a shocking turn, and desperate times call for desperate measures for Jackie and Zaza.

  • Scandal 16/07: Taps makes some outrageous demands. Zaza and Jackie find a new victim. Tebello is introduced to a new and exciting world.

  • Scandal 15/07: Tlhogi’s joyous news causes a big stir. Javas’ shallow pockets have him on the receiving end of some piercing insults.

  • Scandal 12/07: Mdala’s happy news quickly turns to rage. Ndumiso faces yet more problems and push back from the community.

  • Scandal 11/07: Tlhogi gets the shock of her life. Dintle gives someone a piece of her mind. Ndumiso and Caiphus get more women than they bargained for.

  • Scandal 10/07: In a surprising turn of events, the victim gets the upper hand. Vuvu gets exciting news, but Mihloti suspects something is up.