• Scandal 12/06: Winnie makes a very worrying discovery. Taps makes good on his threat, leaving a woman reeling. Layla is not the wiser and offers an incentive.

  • Scandal 11/06: As Taps cannot resort to violence, he makes a verbal threat leaving Mdala troubled. A sister has to win back the trust of a brother.

  • Scandal 10/06: A heated confrontation between lovers leads to a devastating admission of guilt. Dintle’s desperation takes a new turn.

  • Scandal 07/06: Jojo’s life continues to spiral seriously out of control. Dintle tells lies to hide the fact that she is not doing as well as people think.

  • Scandal 06/06: Linda unwittingly reveals damning information. Nhlamulo and Vuvu try to advise their friend on the correct course of action.

  • Scandal 05/06: A woman makes up a diabolical lie to cover an indiscretion. Guilt leads to a spontaneous declaration that could prove to be very damaging.