Celeb Twitter Round-Up: Is Sonia Mbele Having an Affair With a Married Man?

August 04, 2023

Imagine you wake up one morning and you plod your way to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee. While the coffee maker does its thing, you whip out your phone and casually check your socials.

Suddenly, allegations of you dating a married man – a YOUNGER, married man at that! – hit you right in the face, along with comments labelling you as a “homewrecker”, “cougar” and other NSFW words.

Never mind the coffee at this point – that’s a good excuse to hit the wine bottle!

That’s probably how actress/TV producer Sonia Mbele felt when controversial entertainment blogger/heat-seeker supreme, Musa Khawula, recently tweeted THIS out:

According to Khawula, 46-year-old Mbele has found herself a Ben 10 in the form of 31-year-old businessman Matome Sefalafala, who at one point was accused of tender fraud, corruption, extortion and kidnapping. His wife, Meo Mochadibane, is supposedly no longer living at their marital home because of this love affair.

Over on Twitter, many peeps primarily took issue with Mbele – who once claimed that she’d NEVER date a “Ben 10” – for her alleged homewrecking tendencies, while also taking shots at women in general:

Notorious Twitter troll @ChrisExcel102 threw in their two cents’ worth by bringing up the “Generations” star’s son, Donell Sedibe, who was previously accused of physical and sexual assault, and how his mother allegedly distanced herself from him as a result:

Meanwhile, some folks were out here acting like they were living in a jungle because they wouldn’t mind taming some cougars – in other words, they like themselves some older ladies:

On the other side of the coin, peeps were pondering over Sefalafala’s somewhat oldish appearance:

Wow. We can’t decide if that’s an insult to Sefalafala or to actual 45-year-olds!

Despite the whirlwind of allegations (and snide, nasty comments), Mbele staunchly denied she was involved with the businessman.

“I don’t know where all of this is coming from,” she told a local media outlet in a recent interview. “I won’t entertain it – I know him, but I am not dating him. That is far-fetched. I am very open about my life, but I don’t like false information about me being written. Rather call me and ask me, but don’t make false accusations.”

Louder for all the people (especially YOU, Musa Khawula) in the back, Ms Mbele!

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